Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Lewa Day 2

It's the end of Tuesday.  Today we've seen elephants with babies, zebras with babies, male giraffes competing for the cutest girl in the neighborhood, two happily submerged hippos, hundreds of thirsty barn swallows (so familiar!), and a young male cheetah upsetting his mother by sitting on the hood of the Land Cruiser.  Maddy found a tortoise!  We have two terrific guides who have patiently answered every question.  And daily "sundowners" are where we drive along looking at animals, then stop for gin and tonics to watch the sunset.  Gotta bring that tradition home with us!



  1. Spectacular Day (and sun down time). Love that cheetah!

  2. Sundowners definitely should be imported. Keep the photos coming.
